Important Notices

    ConVal High School Graduation set for June 14, 2025

    Saturday, June 14, was set as the official graduation date by the ConVal School Board in their February 18 meeting.

    The start time for the outdoor ceremony will be at 10:00 am on Stadium Field. If there is inclement weather, the graduation date will remain Saturday, June 14, but will take place inside the Robert McGuire Gymnasium, with the same start time of 10:00 am. 

    Each graduate will be given six (6) tickets for guests to attend outside graduation. If graduation takes place inside, each graduate will be limited to four (4) guests. 

    If the ceremony is conducted outside, there will be additional first-come, first-served self-seating options on the stadium field bleachers. In the past, there have also been some spectators who have watched from outside the stadium field. 

    For viewers who are unable to attend the graduation in person, the event will also be live-streamed online at​ 

    If you have any questions, please direct them to ConVal High School’s graduation advisors at The graduation advisors will send future updates to candidates for graduation to their school accounts. 

    Post School Outcomes Survey

    If you graduated or received a certificate of completion from ConVal High School in 2023 and received special education services, please complete the Post School Outcomes Survey.  You can access the survey with this link.

    Annual Non-Discrimination Notice

    ConVal Regional High School and the Region 14 Applied Technology Center (ATC) do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.

    The purpose of the educational program at ConVal Regional High School is to provide students with a college and career readiness curriculum that encompasses knowledge, skills, and competencies for success.

    The Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at the Region 14 ATC provide students with a wide range of skills demanded in the labor market while preparing them for post-secondary degrees in technical fields.

    Programs include offerings in Automotive Technology, Business, Careers in Education, Computers & Information Technology, Construction Trades, Digital Photo & Video, Engineering, Graphic Design, and Manufacturing.

    Admission to CTE programs is open to all students in grades 10-12. Some programs have an application process and are subject to prerequisites, which are specified in our Program of Studies.

    Running Start and dual credit options with the New Hampshire Community College system are available for an additional fee.

    The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Ann E. Forrest, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Title IX Coordinator 106 Hancock Road Peterborough, NH 03458 (603) 924-3336 x2026; Cari Christian-Coates, M.Ed. Director of Student Service 504 Coordinator 106 Hancock Road Peterborough, NH 03458 (603) 924-3336 x2048.


March 2025

School News

  • Sarah Grossi at ACTE
    Mar 27, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    Grossi Presents at Leadership Conference

    Sarah Grossi, who teaches Careers in Education courses at the Region 14 Applied Technology Center at ConVal High School, presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region 1 Leadership Conference in Foxborough, MA. The focus of her breakout session was on the use of Universal Design in Learning (UDL) in Career in Technical Education (CTE).

    Grossi was named a Fellow by the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) in January. The fellowship trains a cadre of leaders to position ACTE as a leader in developing an educated, prepared, adaptable, and competitive workforce by providing CTE educators with opportunities to participate in the development and implementation of laws, regulations, and other public policies at the local, state, and federal levels.

  • Envirothon team members explore forest
    Mar 27, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    Envirothon Surveys Forest

    Earlier today, the members of the ConVal Envirothon Team, together with their advisor Andria Johnson, did a forestry walk with John Benjamin from the Harris Center for Conservation Education.

    They conducted a survey of the forest behind ConVal High School, analyzing different tree types, measuring the width and height of the trees, and determining the overall health of the forest.

    The next step for the team is the Envirothon competition in May!

  • Hope Squad
    Mar 25, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    Hope Squad Meets

    Hope Squad met for an all-day in-school retreat on Monday, March 24. Members engaged in team-building exercises, participated in lessons and discussions centered around suicide prevention, and planned activities to gather student engagement for the future. 

    Hope Squad is a group of students nominated by their peers who meet regularly with trained advisors to talk and learn about mental health. Members are trained to note signs of distress and reach out, connecting peers to help and hope. Hope Squads educate the entire student body to reduce stigma and change their school's culture.

  • District Choral Festival Concert
    Mar 20, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    2025 District Choral Festival Concert

    The 2025 District Choral Festival took place in the ConVal Gym on Wednesday, March 19. It brought together choral ensembles from Great Brook, South Meadow, and ConVal Regional High School. A true district-wide endeavor, the event also featured singers from Antrim Elementary, Dublin Consolidated, Francestown Elementary, Greenfield Elementary, Hancock Elementary, Peterborough Elementary, Pierce, and Temple Elementary Schools.

    The concert covered a wide variety of musical styles and showcased the diverse musical talents of ConVal students at different levels. The opening song was "All of Me" from A Vision Unfolding, a genre-bending piece inspired by gospel, blues, and spoken word elements. This was followed by "The Sound of Silence" by the folk-rock duo Simon & Garfunkel, a Celtic choral original, a selection from the musical Wicked, a traditional blues song, a piece from the movie soundtrack to Ad Astra, Shakira's Official 2010 FIFA World Cup™ Song "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)," and "Il Lampo," a dramatic, mixed-meter musical piece based on an Italian poem. The concert concluded with an all-singer rendition of "Truly Brave," a special mash-up of two great songs — "Brave" by Sara Bareilles and "True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper.

    In this photo, Choral Director Brian Moore conducts a dynamic performance of "This Is Me" from the musical film The Greatest Showman by the ConVal High School Trouble Clefs, together with piano accompanist Mary Ann Fleming.

  • 7th to 12th Grade Combined Band
    Mar 13, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    2025 District Band Concert

    The 2025 District Band Concert took place in the ConVal Gym on Thursday, March 13.

    Band ensembles from Great Brook and South Meadow middle schools, as well as Peterborough Elementary School, performed a wide-ranging repertoire that spanned multiple music styles, from contemporary pieces to movie soundtracks and classical music selections.

    In this picture, ConVal Band Director Jonny Trudeau conducted the combined 7th through 12th Grade GBS, SMS, and CVHS Concert Band in a rendition of "The Never Ending Story" in an arrangement by Patrick Russell.

  • Book club members
    Mar 13, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    ConVal Student-Staff Book Club Meets

    The Student-Staff Book Club met after school in the ConVal Library this afternoon to discuss Enter the Body by Joy McCullough.

    The story develops in prose and stage directions that give voice to some of Shakespeare's female protagonists—Juliet, Ophelia, Cordelia, and Lavinia.

    The book was a School Library Journal Best Book of the Year in 2023.

  • Hyland and students
    Mar 13, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    Students Complete ALICE Training

    Students in Sarah Grossi's Careers in Education II class completed ALICE training. The training was conducted by School Resource Officer Justin Hyland who handed out certificates of completion at the final meeting.

    ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training focuses on violent intruder as well as other emergency situations in school settings and teaches specific mitigation strategies, such as: recognizing and reporting potential threats quickly; securing oneself in a safe location to minimize risk; communicating with school administration and law enforcement about the situation; engaging with the threat if necessary; and leaving the area when it is safe to do so.

    The final lesson concentrated on understanding rallying points and reunification points. This knowledge is useful for students who will pursue careers as educators in the years to come so that they can familiarize themselves with the emergency protocols in the school where they will work.

  • ConVal High School Reviews Discipline Data
    Mar 10, 2025 · ConVal Regional High School

    ConVal High School Reviews Discipline Data

    During the morning session of the Professional Development (PD) day on Monday, March 10, ConVal High School staff gathered in the library to review the discipline data that are gathered in SWIS. The SWIS suite is part of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework that helps schools create positive learning environments for all students. PBIS is evidence-based and uses a multi-tiered approach.

    There were several positive developments in the long-term view of discipline and attendance data since COVID, with attendance rising and average daily referrals showing a strong downward trend. In several cases, the data showed a marked decrease in discipline-related issues, in some instances rates that were 50% lower than last year.

    Remarkably, as is shown in the slide on screen, 74% of ConVal students were never part of a discipline referral this year, and another 13% only received one referral during the current school year.

    On the other hand, 1.7% of the student population received 9 or more referrals this year. This group of students, marked in red on top of the pyramid, is most in need of targeted behavior, social, and emotional interventions.


Student Photography Awards Presentation
Scholastic Photography Awards
3000 Meter Run
Boys All-State Track and Field
300 Meter Dash
Boys All-State Track & Field
Hope Squad Training
Hope Squad Formed
2025 DAR Award
2025 DAR Award
Unified Basketball Game
Unified Basketball Game
New Instrument Cabinets
New Music Instrument Cabinets
Cat dissection
Anatomy & Physiology Dissections


Our Vision

In the ConVal community, all learners will achieve academically, act thoughtfully, and contribute to the larger society.

Our Mission

At ConVal High School, we embrace our opportunities to grow and learn, both individually and as an inclusive community. We strive to be respectful and show compassion for others. We work to be creative thinkers and problem solvers. We communicate and collaborate in an effort to take responsibility for our learning. As we build resilience in a safe school environment, we commit to developing skills and tools to become civic-minded citizens.

ConVal Entrance Photo