A Message from the Principal
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome to a new school year at ConVal Regional High School!
It is with great enthusiasm that I extend our warmest greetings to both returning and new members of our school community. I am thrilled to embark on this year's journey of learning, growth, and collaboration alongside each and every one of you.
Our school is more than just a building; it is a vibrant and diverse community that thrives on shared values, mutual respect, and a commitment to excellence. I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight our CARES (Community, Adaptability, Respect, Engagement, and Safety) language that aligns with our mission statement and the experiences we aim to provide for all students and families.
- Community: At ConVal High School, we recognize the power of community in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. We encourage students, families, teachers, and staff to actively engage in building connections and professional relationships. Whether it's participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering, attending school events, or collaborating with peers, we believe that a strong sense of community enhances the overall educational experience.
- Adaptability: The world around us is constantly changing, and the ability to adapt is a skill of paramount importance. We understand that challenges and opportunities arise unexpectedly, and we are committed to equipping our students with the tools to navigate these changes with resilience and grace.
- Respect: Respect is the cornerstone of a thriving and inclusive community. We expect all members of our school community to treat each other with kindness and respect, regardless of differences in backgrounds, beliefs, or perspectives. By promoting a culture of respect, we create an environment where every individual feels seen, valued, and heard.
- Engagement: Active engagement is key to meaningful learning experiences. We encourage our students to actively participate in their education by asking questions, sharing their thoughts, and contributing their unique perspectives. Our teachers are dedicated to creating dynamic and interactive classrooms that spark curiosity and encourage critical thinking.
- Safety: The safety and well-being of our students are of the utmost importance. We are committed to providing a secure learning environment where everyone feels physically and emotionally safe. Our school adheres to safety protocols and procedures to ensure the welfare of all members of our community.
As we embark on this new academic year, I invite you to join us in embracing our CARES language and creating an environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our staff will spend time at the beginning of the year talking with students about what CARES looks like in our learning spaces and various places at our school. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and transformative experience for all.
Our school communication protocols can be viewed by clicking here. If you have questions, the protocols will help you navigate to the appropriate first contact for your inquiry. Our goal is to provide timely responses to all questions and the communication protocols are designed to facilitate and expedite this process.
I am genuinely excited for the year ahead. Most mornings you will see me out front greeting students as they arrive at school. Please don’t hesitate to wave or say hello!
With ConVal Cougar Pride,
Heather McKillop