Student release privileges are based on an approved student application for release privileges. Forms are available in the counseling office.
Late Arrival/Early Release is for Juniors and Seniors who do not have a 1st or 4th block class.
Parent permission and administrative approval is required.
Students are required to sign in and out of the main office when leaving and returning to the building.
Early-release students must leave the building and may not return to campus until 2:20.
Late arrival students should not plan on entering the building until the start of their next class. Students who arrive earlier than this, must report to the Library for quiet reading or to complete work.
Students who do not come to school until block 3 are responsible for attending TASC unless otherwise indicated by the student's School Counselor.
Students may not transport other students off campus who do not have this privilege.
Limited Release – Seniors only are eligible for limited release if they do not have a 2nd or 3rd block class.
Parent and administrative permission is required.
Students must sign in and out at the Main Office.
Once limited release is approved, students are not to remain in the building and are not expected to be back on campus until the beginning of TASC or their next scheduled class.
Administrators may revoke these privileges at any time for students who are at risk of academic failure or for violations of the ConVal High School Code of Conduct or these guidelines.