If your student is absent from school due to an illness, please contact the Attendance Office in the Main Office. It can be reached by calling (603) 924-3869 x3232 or by emailing cvhs-attendance@conval.edu.
Tardies – if your student will be tardy for an excused reason (early morning medical/dental apt, car problems, ill, family emergency, etc.), please send them in with a note that includes the reason or call the attendance secretary at (603) 924-3869 x3232. All tardy students need to stop at the front office window for an admit slip. Having three (3) unexcused tardies to class or school within a two-week period will result in a disciplinary consequence.
Dismissals – If your student needs to be dismissed during the day, please have him/her bring a note with the reason for dismissal. They should bring the note to the main office upon arrival to school for a dismissal slip. When leaving school at their dismissal time, they need to sign out in the main office, and if they return, they need to sign back in.
In the event of an unexpected need for a student’s release, please call the attendance secretary at (603) 924-3869 x3232 as early as possible.
If a student becomes ill during the day, he/she must report to the health office to be assessed by the school nurse. Students cannot be dismissed if they are ill without going through the nurse in order that symptoms can be documented for data collection.
Pre-Approved Absences – If a student will be absent for three (3) consecutive days, they are required to fill out a pre-approved absence form. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian, the teachers, and the guidance counselor and returned to the attendance secretary.
Parents and students are reminded that students are expected to make arrangements to complete all work missed. It is encouraged that all absences applied for will be for necessary and/or unavoidable reasons.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the attendance secretary at (603) 924-3869 x3232.